What is the new auto-join upgrade?
With our latest update, once you've connected your calendar and enabled auto-join, Eric.ai will automatically join all meeting in your calendar - whether you're the host of a meeting or just an invitee. This ensures that Eric.ai never misses a meeting, and you no longer need to manually invite him or worry about taking your own notes.
How does it work?
Eric.ai will join the next scheduled meeting in your calendar that includes a video conferencing link and will wait in the lobby to be admitted. This upgrade allows Eric.ai to join all your meetings, not just the ones you host, for a more seamless experience.
Can I change my auto-join settings?
You can adjust your auto-join preferences at any time. However, for the best experience, we recommend leaving the settings as 'Automatically join all meetings with a web conference link.' To learn how to change your settings, visit our FAQ section titled 'How do I change my auto-join preferences.'
What if I don't want Eric.ai to join one of my meetings but auto-join is on?
If you don't want Eric.ai in a specific meeting, you have two options:
Decline Eric.ai's entry from the lobby when he tries to join.
If Eric.ai has already been admitted to the meeting, you can remove him the same way you would any other participant.
Do I still need to manually invite Eric.ai to meetings I was just an invitee to?
No, as long as auto-join is enabled, Eric.ai will automatically join all your meetings, whether you're the host or an invitee, without the need for manual invites.