Upon creating an account successfully for the first time and during the onboarding process, you will be prompted to enter your name and organisation. The details along with the email address that you entered to create you account, are used to create your organisation within Eric.ai.
To invite new users to your organisation, navigate to the the admin icon on the side panel and click user management. Add the email addresses of the users that you wish to join within the invite section.
An email will be sent to the user requesting to join the organisation. Once the user has created an account, the user will be shown in the active user section where you can assign the appropriate role.
There are three roles that can be assigned to a user:
Owner Role
The owner of the organisation has the ability to manage organisation integrations, invite new users, subscribe to a billable subscription and administer the organisation details.
Admin Role
The admin role allows a user to invite new users into the organisation but does not have the right to manage the organisation integrations or organisation details
Member Role
The member role does not have access to the organisation integrations, organisation details nor invite users.