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How do I create action items

Learn the ways you can create action items for your meetings with

Aaron Mason avatar
Written by Aaron Mason
Updated over a week ago


  • You have an account

  • has joined your meeting


Action items (also known as action points) are specific tasks that need to be completed by a specified person and are a common outcome of a meeting. can help you to create action items for your meetings automatically.

Create action items using your voice

To create an action item by voice, you can say the "Action Item" command followed by the task and you can optionally include an assignee and due date. For example, if you say "I will finish the secret project by Friday" it will create a new task as described which is assigned to you and is due this coming Friday's date.

If you make a mistake or your action item is interpreted incorrectly, you can update your action item in the meeting page or Microsoft Teams sidebar.

Action item assignment

You can assign action items to individuals that have joined your meeting. If you do not specify an individual an action item is unassigned by default.

Assign to yourself


Assign to a colleague you are interacting with


Assign to a named person in your meeting


Action item due date

You can set an optional due date for an action item by saying a common date format or reference to a day of the week. If you do not specify a date then no due date is set by default.

Specific date

"Nineteenth of February"

Reference from current time

"Today", "Tomorrow", "Next weekend", "Next Monday"

Create action items manually

You can also create an action manually by using "Add new" button in the meeting page where the Outcomes tab is shown or Microsoft Teams sidebar.

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